Grant Aided by Ipswich Borough Council

Registered Charity Number 299459

Ipswich Sports Club for the Disabled


- Over the years our club has been in contact with several other disabled clubs in the East Anglian region although some of these clubs have fallen by the way-side, we still have contact with many still in existence.

- Every year a group of our members travel to these other clubs to take part in Sports Days where members from various clubs are encouraged to compete in a variety of activities. It's all done in good fun but can be very competitive.

- Clubs we are currently involved with include; Basildon, Southend, Thurrock, Havering & Free Spirits of Canvey.

- We also attend a much bigger event in Hinckley, Leicestershire which is run by the Hinckley & Burbage lions. Members arrive Friday, stay over night in a local school and attend the Sports Weekend at the local Sports Centre.

- Unfortunately, due to financial constraints, we have not been able to hold a Sports Day in Ipswich for a couple of years. Due to the expense of holding the event, we need at least 85 competitors attending and the interest has been far below this recently. It is unfortunate as many members from other Clubs regularly comment on our Sports Days being some of the most friendly and enjoyable days during the year.

The Flags of the Hinckley Weekend


Our members at the end of Hinckley 2006